Sunday, July 22, 2012

臨済箱根禅堂 坐禅心得 (rinzai hakone zendo zazen kokoroe)

臨済箱根禅堂 坐禅心得
rinzai hakone zendo zazen kokoroe
  1. 礼儀作法
  2. 坐してかんがえよ
  3. 坐をきめよ
  4. 背筋 頭 丹田
  5. 気息を坐らせよ
  6. 丹田を落ち着かせここが己の住処なり

1. reigi saho: Well Mannered.  Respect for individual, respect your leader
2. za shite kangae yo: Do not think anything else
3. za wo kime yo: Find and discover your sitting
4. sesuji atama tanden: Let your body sit
5. kisoku wo suwarase yo:  Let your breath to sit. Take a long breath
6. tanden wo ochitsukase kokoga onoreno sumika nari: Let your mind to sit

Rev. Ito mentioned importance of tanden.  You can read more about tanden here

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