Sunday, September 30, 2012

風喘気息 (fu zen ki soku)

fu zen ki soku 

Rev Ito described the zengo indicating how to take a breath during zazen. 

Fu:  Wind.  Describing taking a breath loudly.
Zen: Not smooth breathing. 
Ki: Rough breath. 
Soku: This word represents perfect breath which is quiet, smooth and not rough.

Rev Ito mentioned that he was taught to breath in for 7 seconds and out for 23 seconds during zazen.  

Click here to download recording of this teisho

Sunday, September 9, 2012

You are your own teacher

You are your own teacher.

Ann Kugyo spoke about her thoughts on "emerging and becoming".

Click here to download recording of this teisho

Sunday, September 2, 2012

行住坐臥 (gyo ju za ga)

gyo ju za ga

Rev Ito explained this zengo. This zengo represents 24 hours in human life.

Gyo: Walk, your activity
Jyu: Living
Za: Sitting
Ga: Sleep

Click here to download recording of this teisho